Plagiarism Ponderings


Plagiarism is a serious issue and has become more prevalent even at the graduate level. It is true – many students do not understand the multiple facets of plagiarism, and most are not intentionally copying the works of others. Access to internet sources has made it easy and convenient to copy and paste passages (short and long) from websites, peer-reviewed journals, and e-books. Many have employed this as a form of note-taking as they comb through their research. The problem is that as they copy/paste and write their own words, the two get intertwined. The student author may not remember what was copied, what has already been paraphrased, and what constitutes their own original thoughts.

nedryIt is important to educate our students on how to identify plagiarism, how to avoid it, and how to cite correctly. In fact, our librarians at California State University Fresno’s Henry Madden Library, offer workshops on “Avoiding Plagiarism” and our Grammar for Grad Students Series has also included a session on plagiarism.

While it is crucial for students to know how to avoid plagiarism, we also must equip them with strategies of how to incorporate information from sources into their own writing. They need to master the art of paraphrasing. We have seen many students who come into the Writing Studio poorly equipped with paraphrasing skills. They look at a paragraph and try to rearrange words or replace words in the hopes of making it their own. When this occurs, it is apparent that the student is engaging with words and not the overall topic itself. As they research literature related to a specific topic, they need to be gaining understanding of that topic based on what the experts in the literature are saying. They need to be able to understand5018046764_655e6d7a27_o the ideas embodied in the research and know how to cite appropriately. This requires much more than substituting a word here and there or re-ordering a sentence. If a student has taken the time to research and understand the topic, they will be able to communicate the issues embodied in the topic in their own words.

The progression of moving from reading and researching to creating the draft is crucial, and it is one reason we encourage students to come in and meet with a writing consultant early in the writing process. It is during the stages of brainstorming, research, outlining, and drafting where students are forced to articulate the information as they talk to the consultant. This gives them the opportunity to verbalize research themes and ideas and leads to a better understanding of the topic. In addition, it is at this time that paraphrasing skills can be developed with the guidance of a writing consultant.

I think that students need to be made aware of plagiarism. Consequences need to be in place when plagiarism occurs. I also think we need to continue to support students in their own writing processes, so they can confidently convey the research found in the literature while giving credit where credit is due.


Here are some helpful sites that provide more information, strategies, and exercises for paraphrasing and avoiding plagiarism: this is a great article from UNC. It outlines common knowledge, paraphrasing, avoiding plagiarism, and strategies for taking organized notes.

Several universities have created Plagiarism Tutorials:

The University of Southern Mississippi

Duke University:

Penn State:

Simon Fraser University:

The plagiarism-checking platform (Turnitin) also has some resources:

By Debra Neufeld

An Abrupt Release of Responsibility: A Constructivist Approach for Graduate Writing Consultants

Q: At what point does a consultant step back and let the student take the reins?

A: At the moment they enter the session.

We, as writing consultants, are often expected by graduate students to be their editors. We cannot let ourselves fall into this trap. This will not help these students grow to be the writers they feel like they should be or help them accomplish their goal of completing a thesis, project, or dissertation. The primary issue being addressed here is that we may find ourselves so comfortable with our students that we can sometimes forget that they are the ones who are doing the writing. How do we avoid this predicament?

Perhaps the answer to this question can be summed up in one word—listen.


In my three years of experience as a Graduate Writing Consultant I have found that when I’ve been listening too much to my own voice, during a consultation, I know I must immediately stop talking. At this point, we, as consultants, need to stop and ask them how they would go about fixing the sentence, or paragraph, or entire first chapter. We are not the end-all-be-all and, on top of that, I’ve found that the students, with whom I’ve worked, often have a more interesting voice than my own. All writing consultants, and/or tutors, should stop themselves if they have talked longer than 10 seconds and ask questions that lead the students to their own conclusions, which will give them time to have their own moment of realization. I have found that these pauses are very important.

On a personal note, I was rarely given my own amount time to think and come up with my way of learning/retaining information. This was often the case as a high school student and especially as an undergrad. I didn’t figure out how to solve mathematical equations on my own until I took the CBEST test. I had a moment of realization during that seemingly unending time frame when I suddenly learned my way to solve math problems—by drawing. All students have subjects with which they struggle. When it comes to writing, I find myself comfortable. Yes, I may know how to construct a sentence, but how can I help a person who is uncomfortable with the written word become comfortable? They need a guide to help them find their way of writing.

One way of teaching a child to swim is to throw them into a body of water without telling them what to do. This may seem sudden and cruel, but the child has seen the water, has probably seen others swim, is probably being thrown in by a person with whom she/he is familiar, etc. The child, mid-air, is subconsciously evaluating the situation, and is chemistrysearching their biological instincts to find a way to survive the experience. They also trust that, if they fail, they will be saved. Throw the student in, but be there to save them from drowning. Grammar, logical continuity, syntax, research, outlining, the drafting process, and other processes have been a part of every graduate student’s life at some point—this is their pool of water. They may not have the vocabulary to explain these things and they may not know how to explain the functions of language on the page—they may not know that they already know how to swim—but they have been exposed enough to paddle their way to safety.

Domenico_Fetti_-_Portrait_of_a_Scholar_-_WGA07862Students often get caught up in sounding scholarly. When encountering this, try to ask them, “How would you write this sentence?” Often, after they have let go of that Jiminy Cricket on their shoulder who is telling them that they need to write to a scholarly audience, they dismantle the facade and rewrite the sentence in their own authoritative voice. These students haven’t quite learned that they have already become the scholars and they definitely do not trust themselves. How do we show them how to trust themselves? We ask them to explain the subject in their own words. We should listen, ask, and then listen again. They have the tools and a constructivist approach would assume that they would find their way. A consultant should say “there is the pool,” throw them, in and be the “life jacket” in case the student flounders. Nine times out of 10, the student will find their way toward a clear, scholarly, voice that belongs to them.

Ronald Dzerigian

Presenting Papers at Academic Conferences

academic-conferences-victoria-bc-canada-600x400Academic conferences in your field of study are valuable (and often initially intimidating) scholarly experiences. Since I am preparing to attend a conference next month, I’ve compiled a series of tips for applying to, getting to, and presenting at graduate and undergraduate conferences.

Finding a Conference

This step may sound like the simplest, but it can be surprisingly overwhelming to find current CFPs (calls for papers) considering the hundreds, if not thousands, of conferences held every year in the U.S. (not to mention those taking place overseas).

  • Literature:

Since my field is literary studies, the two sites I use most often to find CFPs are and Both sites contain mountains of requests for abstracts, but both allow you to narrow your search by your field of interest (e.g., digital humanities, interdisciplinary studies, rhetoric and composition, etc.). CFP List even has a nifty feature that allows you to sort your results by abstract deadlines and event dates.

  • Philosophy:Finding

  • Computer Science, Engineering, Biology, Psychology, Statistics, Music, and More:

This wiki contains CFPs from a vast array of disciplines, with the most popular being computer science and artificial intelligence.

Submitting a Conference Proposal

Once you’ve found a conference at which you’d like to present, the next step is submitting your proposal. Some conferences will ask for a short abstract (typically ranging from 150 to 500 words) of the paper you’d like to present. Other conferences require you to send your entire paper for consideration. If you’re sending an abstract, be sure it includes your thesis, topic, and the terrain the paper will cover. Attach your abstract (in Word Doc or PDF form) to an email that includes your name, paper title, university affiliation, and class standing. Unless you’re attending a conference specifically for undergraduates, it’s best not to include your academic year if you are an undergrad.

“I’ve been accepted to present at a conference—Now what?”

If you’ve been accepted to present, congratulations! Your first step should be to find out if the conference offers any assistance (such as travel grants or free accommodations) to presenters. If not, don’t despair; contact the department office of your academic major and ask if funding is available. At Fresno State, most of this funding is provided to graduate students through their individual departments or through travel grants awarded by the Division of Graduate Studies (see

Revising a Paper for a Listening Audience             Revising

  • Kerber (2008) points out that hearing a paper is much different from reading it; she advises presenters to make good use of examples and quotes: “Listeners have difficulty absorbing abstraction after abstraction; they need to be grounded in lived experience. Think about the ratio between example and argument as your paper develops.”

  • In the same vein, make sure you’re using reader-based prose throughout your paper; incorporate helpful transitions, and “turn complex sentences into simple, declarative statements” (Kerber, 2008).

Preparing to Present a Paper

  • Find out how long you’ve been given to read your paper. The conference organizers should email you with a schedule. Time yourself as you practice reading your paper aloud, and be sure to leave time at the end for audience questions. Remember that it’s better to conclude your paper too soon than to go on for too long.

  • According to the Writing Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “A general rule of thumb is that one double-spaced page takes 2-2.5 minutes to read out loud. Thus an 8-10 page, double-spaced paper is often a good fit for a 15-20 minute presentation.”

  • Pepper your paper with cues to “remind yourself to pause, look up and make eye contact with your audience” (The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill).

  • Add cues to remind yourself when to take a breath (Kerber, 2008).

  • If you’re worried about reading a parenthetical citation during your presentation, you can remove in-text citations from the copy of the paper you’ll be reading aloud. You will still want to have an extra copy with your references included in case you get a question about one of them.

  • Don’t use staples. When presenting, flipping through a stapled conference paper is more distracting than simply putting aside unstapled pages as you finish them.

  • Print your paper in 14- or 16-point font “so that you do not need to squint to see it when you are standing at a podium” (Kerber, 2008).

AttendConference Etiquette

It is considered proper to attend at least one conference panel other than your own. Just as you want attendees at your panel, your fellow presenters are eager for audiences.


Kerber, L. K. (2008, March 21). Conference rules, part 2. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from

The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (n.d.). Conference papers [handout]. Retrieved from

Eryn Baldrica-Guy
Teaching Associate, First-Year Writing Program
Consultant, Graduate Writing Studio

Just About Time

best_Time_-_good.305184206_stdThis week I am going to feature two of our amazing writing consultants and their thoughts on the best use of time and managing life during the writing process. We are losing Katy as she is moving on to a job in her field of study and expertise, but Scott will be back to discuss his ideas further in a continuing series. First up, Katy Hogue: Katy Hogue

Returning to school after a break is always rough. You have to get used to the routine and rhythms of school life again. All of a sudden your schedule fills up and for a few weeks you mourn the loss of your free time. For graduate students, breaks can be problematic. The pressure of graduate school makes breaks necessary for survival with sanity intact. Yet, advisors will tell you that you should be working on your thesis during your breaks to do out-of-town research and to finish your program on time. Struggling with these conflicting demands is just one of the things that make graduate school a learning experience inside and outside the classroom. One of the things you learn, whether you work during your breaks or not, is to take advantage of the time off to tackle long-term projects with fresh vigor. By focusing on a few things at the beginning of the semester, the transition back into academic life can go more smoothly.

• Manage your time well.
• Take the time to sit down with all your syllabi and write out your schedule for the whole semester. This is especially important if you are managing multiple jobs and/or a family life. Use a daily planner, Google Calendar app, etc.
• Plan to do as many small assignments, in which you pick the due date, early in the semester. You will be fresh from the break, and later in the semester you will be focused on your larger research projects.
• Build time into your schedule to work on your thesis even if it is only 30 minutes a day.
• Learn to “read like a grad student” for your seminars that are not related to your own research. Focus on argument, evidence, and scholarly conversation, and less on factual content.

• Don’t forget about your thesis or dissertation.
• When buried with work from your seminars, it is easy to get sidetracked. Avoid this by making appointments with consultant at the Graduate Writing Studio or by forming a discipline-specific study group in which you only discuss your larger projects.

• Look after your physical well-being.
• Get enough sleep. Don’t let the workload overwhelm you to the point that you’re burning the candle at both ends. Lack of sleep makes everything seem more overwhelming.
• Eat well. Food is a vital source of energy, yet when we get busy we reach for fast food first. This habit can make us sluggish and turn the Freshman 15 into the Grad School 20. Some prep at the grocery store can make healthy choices much easier.
• Exercise and get some sun. Sunlight is a natural mood enhancer and Vitamin D producer. Everyone knows it’s wise to exercise for health, but it can also help relieve stress and boost your attitude.
• Don’t forget to socialize. Even if you don’t think you have the time or energy, the stress-relieving and mood-improving benefits far outweigh the costs, in moderation.

With these few tips, I hope your semester will go well.

Thanks Katy! Let’s see what Scott has to say:

A Series on Self-Care, Time Management, and Writing at the Graduate Level

ScottTrippelBy Scott Trippel, Graduate Writing Consultant

Welcome to graduate school. A parade of assignments, group projects, and heavy reading designed to enhance and overwhelm the life you once knew. Common wisdom tells us that graduate school is tough. It is potentially catastrophic for family relationships, a near impossibility when working full-time, and effectively the end of our social lives.
But does it have to be?

With careful consideration of what you value, you really can do it all. It isn’t easy. It takes discipline. But with a little effort you can have more of that precious commodity — time.

Take Care of Yourself

Sleep, exercise, and a healthy diet are often the first casualties of a graduate education. Why? Maybe because we never had great self-care habits to begin with or because we’re convinced we can “catch up” on our sleep over the weekend. Whatever the case may be, “crunch” times are common in graduate school. Healthy habits go out the window when all our assignments and readings are due at the same time.
My advice? Before anything else, consider your sleep hygiene. You might feel better emotionally working on a paper at 2 a.m., but the clarity of your thinking (and writing) will be impacted by a lack of sleep. Poor sleep can lead to a racing mind, sensitivity to pain, irritability, trouble concentrating, and an ongoing feeling of exhaustion. So, instead of Sleeping_studentspending 3 hours in the middle of the night, try sleeping, wake up refreshed, and get your paper done in 1 hour. I found a lot of advice about sleep hygiene online, one of the best comes from the University of Michigan Health System. You can find it here.
As far as exercise and a good diet, take it seriously. Treat it as a part of your graduate experience and not something supplemental. Taking care of yourself is necessary for your success. And if you need help, try contacting the Student Health and Counseling Center.

What Do You Think?

Please add your comments to this posting. Is there a connection between self-care and academic success? Is there something you do that gives you a physical or mental edge? Do you eat brain food? Have a secret to exercising? Have trouble sleeping?

Further Reading

A 7-step plan to jump-start your natural energy. (2011). Boosting Your Energy (2011) (pp.
35-43 9p). Stamford, Connecticut: Harvard Health Publications.

Gellis, L. A. (2007). The link between education and sleeping difficulties: The role of sleep hygiene. Dissertation Abstracts International, 67, 5401.

Mullally, B. A. (2011, January 1). Knowledge, attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs regarding physical activity on a college campus. ProQuest LLC.

Ploughman, M. (2008). Exercise is brain food: the effects of physical activity on cognitive function. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 11(3), 236-240 5p.

Williams, D.A. & Carey, M. (2003). You really need to sleep: Several methods to improve your sleep. University of Michigan Health System.

The Benefits of Getting Feedback From the Writing Studio

Students often ask how the Graduate Writing Studio, or any writing center for that matter, can help them with their writing. While we are fluent in MLA and APA at the GWS, writing centers are about much more than citation help. Research has shown that visits to writing centers benefit students in myriad ways, from motivating habitual procrastinators to write to improving the overall quality of their essays.Welcome

A study conducted at the University of Central Florida found that students who received feedback on a written assignment “started writing their papers significantly earlier than [those] who didn’t receive feedback” (Rapp Young and Fritzche 49). Students with a high tendency to procrastinate actually began to write their papers early only if they were going to receive feedback from the writing center (50). The researchers concluded that students who use the writing center ultimately procrastinate less on their writing (52). In addition, writing-center attendees reported greater satisfaction with their writing habits than students who didn’t visit the writing center (53). Another study from Indiana Wesleyan University showed statistically significant improvements in the clarity, precision of thesis statements, and quality of writing-center students’ essays (Henson and Stephenson 3). In 2010, a British study found that writing-center attendance “is significantly associated with higher student achievement” (Yeats et al. 505).

Masters-degreeA great deal of students we see at the Graduate Writing Studio are completing degrees in psychology, nursing, and physical therapy. While health-centric disciplines may not be popularly associated with writing, the GWS can offer guidance on literature reviews, case reports, evidence-based papers, and any other written projects. In a 2013 evaluation of its own writing center, the Medical University of South Carolina found “that nearly all students who used the Center agreed (and most strongly agreed) that it met their needs” and use of the Center was “associated with a better written product” (Ariail et al. 132).

Having a set appointment with a writing consultant motivates students to write, likely because they know someone will be reading their work in a matter of days. The GWS provides another set of eyes to notice confusing wording and passages that may need further explanation. While reviewing one’s work alone is a valuable tool, writing consultations allow the formerly hypothetical reader to ask the writer questions and offer advice immediately.

Eryn Baldrica-Guy

Works Cited

Ariail, Jennie, et al. “The Value of a Writing Center at a Medical University.” Teaching and Learning in Medicine 25.2 (2013): 129-133. Print.

Henson, Roberta, and Sharon Stephenson. “Writing Consultations Can Effect Quantifiable Change: One Institution’s Assessment.” Writing Lab Newsletter 33.9 (2009): 1-4. Expanded Academic ASAP. Web. 22 Jan. 2016.

Rapp Young, Beth, and Barbara A. Fritzsche. “Writing Center Users Procrastinate Less: The Relationship between Individual Differences in Procrastination, Peer Feedback, and Student Writing Success.” The Writing Center Journal 23.1 (2002): 45-58. JSTOR. Web. 20 Jan. 2016.

Yeats, Rowena, et al. “What a Difference a Writing Centre Makes: A Small Scale Study.” Education + Training 52.6/7 (2010): 499 – 507. Emerald Insight. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.

Spring 2016 at the GWS

GWSThe quiet is deafening. Students have gone home for the holiday break and the Graduate Writing Studio is, for the most part, empty. It is a time for reflection and looking toward next semester. Here are some things to look forward to:
• All of our consultants will be back for another semester in the Graduate Writing Studio. We will be scheduling appointments starting January 19th.

• The Graduate Student Success Series will kick off early in the semester.

The series will includewriting process
• Beginning Endnote
• Thesis Formatting Labs
• Thesis Information Session
• Introduction to APA Style
• Writing Literature Reviews
• Grammar for Grads

• Look for a new set of workshops centered on writing in the humanities. These workshops will include MLA style, writing a research paper, MA English thesis writing, and a few other, yet-to-be determined sessions. The exact schedule for these sessions has not been set, but we will get that information out early next semester.

• The GWS has now also become the GSS. This semester, two statistics consultants began taking appointments in the Graduate Study Center. In January, the stats team will add more consultants to help students with their statistics work for classes and theses. The addition of statistics consultations for graduate students has been a long time coming and has been sorely needed at Fresno State.

• We will be offering more ZOOM hours for those students who cannot make it to campus but would still like to work with a writing or statistics consultant. ZOOM is an online screen sharing program that allows for real time collaboration between students and consultants anywhere there is access to the Internet. If you have a difficult time making it to campus and you have not tried a ZOOM appointment, give us a call and we can tell you more about it.

There is more to come, but this should get you excited for next semester. If you have not already done so, make it a point to come speak with us about what services might benefit you. All of the services in the Graduate Study Center are designed with your academic success in mind. Have a peaceful and relaxing break and we will see you at the Graduate Study Center in January!Nerdy Guy

William Anderson

GWS Staff

Fear to Fail or the Other Way Around

8226451812_e197931e26_oA friend of mine recently graduated from Fresno State with a Master’s degree in English composition. He has now entered a Ph.D. program at the University of Kansas, and though I don’t get to speak with him nearly often enough, I’m sure he is continuing the great work he did in Fresno. I feel very privileged to have watched his development as a teacher and theorist of composition studies. I want to share with you some things that he had to say in his thesis about helping students learn to write and the ways in which teachers (and writing consultants) perceive the concept of failure in writing and writing assessments.

If a student fails a class, if a student fails a test, if a student fails to meet standard conventions, then there will be negative consequences. This association with negativity can lead to the fear of failure. And this fear is debilitating. But, many times, failure leads to success. Failure becomes an opportunity for learning and growth. In a macro sense, an individual learns what success is only after she has experienced failure. At the same time, failure seems to be dependent on the individual; one person’s idea of failure might be another person’s idea of success. Failure cannot be measured which only complicates its multifaceted nature. Regardless of who or what
determines failure, there seems to be significant value in its nature. Failure almost
always provides an opportunity for us to see improvement and success. In the
moment we might not be able to understand or see that opportunity for growth, but
in the broader perspective, we almost always see that there was growth from our
failure(s). (Wood 2014)

The idea of failure being a pathway to success is very difficult for some students to embrace, even at the graduate level. The expectations placed on grad student’s writing are elevated beyond what most students have ever encountered before. In my experience, students are often asked to compose specific types of documents, such as literature reviews, that they didn’t even know existed prior to entering their programs. So, it is not difficult to understand the fear of failing that arises when faced with new graduate level writing tasks.

As my friend has mentioned, failure is not really quantifiable. Yet, within our own personal experience, we certainly feel it when we encounter it. So, rather than letting it define us in some way, we need to transform it into a tool that helps us measure our success.

about-us-blockAt the Graduate Writing Studio of Fresno State, we work very hard to maintain an awareness of student’s feelings about their writing and they ways in which they feel they may have failed in some manner or another. Positive collaboration with a writing consultant is a very effective way to help transform a sense of failure into a motivating means for academic and personal growth. Sometimes it can be a lengthy process, but with anything worth doing, with great effort comes great achievement.

William Anderson
Graduate Writing Studio Staff

Graduate Writing Resources

There are a number of books that graduate-level academic writers should, at the very least, be aware of, and in many cases own. Creating a robust library of resource books is a must for anybody making their way through a master’s or doctorate program. I own several of the books mentioned here and I plan on checking out several more that appear on this list. I have borrowed this specific list from the University of Toronto: Their website has several categorized lists of resources for students of all levels including those in graduate programs. Here is the list that they offer online for graduate level writers:
American Psychological Association, Publication ManualAPA Manual
Besides giving detailed advice on format for referencing and page layout, this handbook covers such technicalities as abbreviations, numbers, and figures. Chapter 3 gives brief advice on writing style and a quick review of grammar, and sets out clear guidelines on avoiding unbiased language. Chapter 8 and the Appendix include advice on publishing, including reporting standards for articles using new data collections. Be sure to use the sixth edition, published in 2009: it changes a number of rules from those given in earlier editions.
Becker, Howard S. and Pamela Richards. Writing for Social Scientists: How to Start and Finish Your Thesis, Book, or Article
For advanced work; advises on efficient ways to produce and publish academic work.
Cook, Claire Kehrwald. The MLA’s Line by Line How to Edit Your Own Writing
Solid and well-explained advice on academic style; worth studying for humanities scholars and anyone else aiming at clear complex prose.
Day, Robert A. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper
Solid, though old-fashioned advice on constructing and revising research papers.
Flemons, Douglas. Writing Between the Lines: Composition in the Social Sciences
An excellent guide to writing strong, logical, and clear prose to present research material. Focuses mostly on style at the sentence level.
Galvan, Jose L. Writing Literature Reviews: A Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioural Sciences
A comprehensive guide to writing reviews of empirical research: starts with how to read documents in their disciplines; discusses literature reviews as part of essays, dissertations, journal articles; includes samples.
Harman, Eleanor and Ian Montagnes, ed. The Thesis and the Book
Elegantly written and sometimes humorous essays asking for elegantly written academic books. Worth reading, but don’t look rely on it for quick solutions.
Huth, E. How to Write and Publish Papers in the Medical Sciences
Authoritative guide to advanced writing, good section on Vancouver referencing system
Locke, Lawrence F. et al. Proposals That Work: A Guide for Planning Dissertation and Grant Proposals
An excellent resource. Focuses on scientific argumentative patterns, shows examples of four kinds of proposals for different types of research.
Luey, Beth. Handbook for Academic Authors
Thorough and sensible discussion of the practical aspects of scholarly publishing. Chapter 2 on journal articles covers good writing style, selecting a journal, and dealing with rejections. Other chapters touch on manuscript preparation and proofreading.

Modern Language Association. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers
The standard work for referencing methods in Humanities subjects. The seventh edition, published in 2009, has a thorough and helpful section on citing electronic and online sources. Chapter 3 gives advice the mechanics of writing.
Nickerson, Eileen T., The Dissertation Handbook: A Guide to Successful Dissertations
A brief guidebook on the various stages of the dissertation. Chapter 12, “Life After the Dissertation,” touches on professional presentations as well as articles. It advises on such practicalities as the query letter and timelines for responses.
O’Connor, Maeve, Writing Successfully in Science
Knowledgeable advice from a journal editor on planning, writing, and publishing academic work in the sciences.
Swales, John M. and Christine B. Feak. Academic Writing for Graduate Students: A Course for Nonnative Speakers of English
Thorough coverage of all aspects of writing academic papers, offering tips on vocabulary and grammar along with explanation of standard structures of reasoning. Units 7 and 8 cover Constructing a Research Paper, including comments on defining a niche for the topic and making rhetorical moves to convey that intention to the reader.
Swales, John M. and Christine B. Feak. English in Today’s Research World
More advanced than the above book; useful for native speakers of English too. Chapters on professional genres such as the conference abstract, poster presentations, some elements of dissertations. Targets specific problems, gives exercises and models, shows how to make judgements on your own.
M. Zeiger. Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers
A thorough self-instruction guide to reasoning, style, and organization.

If you have other selections that you have found useful in your academic writing experience, please feel free to share them with us.

Nerdy Guy

William Anderson
Staff, Fresno State Graduate Writing Studio

APA Series – Part 4: Elements of Organization or Organizing the Elements

The APA style manual is more than just a documentation guide for sources in the APA Manualreference list or in text citations.  Of course, those aspects are covered in great detail; however, the manual also addresses organization and has a fairly comprehensive section on the variety of elements that should be included in a research paper or study (Chapter 2: Manuscript Structure and Content, pp. 21-40).  In fact, these elements are closely aligned to the elements used in the Fresno State thesis template created for theses in the Social and Behavioral sciences ( In addition, when reading an article in a peer-reviewed journal in these scientific fields, these elements are easily identified.  When working on your own APA style research paper or study, you will want to make sure to include the following elements.

  1. Title Page – If you have been asked to submit an APA paper, you need to start with the title page.  Take note – this is not a chance to get fancy and exercise your creative side.  The title page accommodates just a few simple elements:
    1. Title
    2. Author Name
    3. Institution Name

Now APA also has advice on what to include in the actual title.  The title should encompass the main idea of your paper and it should be able to stand alone, giving the reader an understanding of your topic. APA’s recommended maximum title length is 12 words (APA, p. 23). Finally, avoid using abbreviations in the title.

  1. Abstract – The abstract should represent a comprehensive summary of your paper.  Remember – it should be comprehensive AND concise.  Most journals indicate a maximum word count for the abstract; this may be between 150 to 250 words (APA, p. 27). Make sure the information is accurate, objective, and informative.  You will probably want to mention the background and the problem statement and information about your methodology, results, and conclusions.  The abstract should give the reader enough information about the paper/study so they can get a fairly clear idea of what it is about.  Think about this as the elevator pitch, or the big picture.  In the abstract, you want to make every word count.
  1. Introduction – Why is my study/work important?

In this section you will introduce and describe the issue or problem (e.g., Why do so many children develop asthma in the Central Valley of California?). This would be accompanied with some background information, which might include some large scale statistical data related to the issue. It is also important to show how this problem or issue is significant (Why does it matter?).  Any hypothesis(es) or research questions are also included here. You may also want to discuss any related theoretical framework in this section.  The definition of terms can be found here as well.

Note: Working on a Fresno State thesis? This element makes up chapter 1.

  1. Literature Review – How is my work related to others?

This section discusses relevant literature and research related to your topic. Here are some important things to keep in mind:

    1. use primary sources and steer clear of secondary sources.  Only use secondary sources when the primary source is out of print, cannot be accessed, or has not been translated into English (APA, p. 178).
    2. Include seminal work(s) – this represents foundational research that others in the conversation surrounding your topic are referencing.
    3. The literature review is a place where you describe previous studies and then connect them in a logical way.  No annotated bibliographies here!  It seems difficult to know how to exert your voice in this process because you are focused on the research of others; however, you still have control of the structure and organization of this section. In addition, evaluative comments can be inserted as you tie studies together and point out strengths and weaknesses.
    4. This is also where you will want to indicate any gaps in literature and show how your study is creating new knowledge.

Note: Working on a Fresno State thesis? This element makes up chapter 2. In the APA manual, the introduction and the lit review are usually combined and may be labeled introduction.  For the scope of a thesis, the two elements are given their own chapters as a thesis does not have the same word count restrictions as an article being submitted to a peer-reviewed journal.

  1. Methodology: What did I do?

Think of the methodology section of an APA paper as a blueprint.  Future researchers could read through this section and replicate what you did. The methodology should include details about the variables (both dependent and independent) and the research design (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods, sampling methods).  The sample itself needs to be described: size and demographics. Include those details that are pertinent to your results (e.g., gender, age if that is what you are tracking in your results).   This section also needs to address instrumentation type and procedures.  Did you conduct a survey, interviews, focus groups, closed- or open-ended questions, questions on a Likert scale etc.?  Finally, include descriptions of data analysis techniques you used (e.g., T-test, Chi Square, ANOVA). This is not where you indicate the results garnished from completing the analyses; rather, this is where you let the reader know what tests you used and why.

Note: Working on a Fresno State thesis? This element will be your chapter 3.  If you are required to participate in a preliminary defense of a thesis, then chapters 1 through 3 are usually used to create the content.  For the preliminary defense, the study is presented as a proposal; hence, the language used in the methodology is in the future tense.  For the purposes of the final write-up (thesis submission and final defense) this is all changed to the past tense.

  1. Results: What did I find?

This section includes a summarized description of your study’s results based on what you collected.  This is where you present the relevant results including those that might be unexpected.   You have run your data analyses, so you will be including relevant information such as measures of variability, effect sizes, and confidence intervals. Don’t forget to mention any missing data. Tables and figures are effective ways to highlight results in a visual format. Just remember, the results section of your paper or study is not where you include any interpretation.

Note: Working on a Fresno State thesis?  This element will make up your chapter 4.

  1. Discussion/Conclusion: What does it mean?

The discussion section is where you move beyond presentation and get down to the interpretation of the findings!  Don’t forget to tie these findings to your hypotheses and research questions.  In addition, you need to make your voice heard in your topic’s conversation – make sure you relate your findings to the findings of other researchers mentioned in your literature review.  You will also want to address any limitations and make recommendations for future research. Where does the work go from here in the ongoing conversation about your topic?

Note: Working on a Fresno State thesis? This element will make up your chapter 5.

  1. References:

The reference section fulfills two main purposes.  First, you are giving credit to those sources you used and thus minimizing the chance of plagiarism.  Second, this list provides the reader with a way to locate your sources in case they want to explore any related idea further. When creating an APA reference list, make sure you follow APA guidelines, which include ordering sources alphabetically and using a hanging indent.  In addition, the lines are double-spaced throughout.

Note: Working on a Fresno State thesis…or not: always make sure your sources are found in both the text of the manuscript and the reference list.  If you cite sources in the text, they need to show up in the reference list. If you include sources in your reference list, they need to be cited within the text.

  1. Appendices

The appendices are found at the very end of your document.  Supplementary material such as copyright permission letters, email communications related to your study, interview questions and/or transcripts, survey templates etc. may be included in the appendices.  This is all important information which is related to your study; however, if it is placed in the body of the manuscript, it might be distracting to the reader.  It might be better to reference the material within the manuscript (see Appendix D), so the reader can look at this additional information at a time of their choosing

Note: Working on a Fresno State thesis…or not: make sure the order of your appendices at the end of your document match the order they appear in the document itself.  In other words, the very first appendix referenced in the document will be Appendix A followed by Appendix B, Appendix C, and so on.

These nine elements make up the basic content of an APA formatted research study and are closely aligned with a thesis in the Behavioral or Social sciences.   Keep this structure in mind as you read journal articles and as you create new knowledge through your own research.

Check out this infographic: Elements of a Research Paper

A special “Thank You” to staff member Debbie Neufeld for this ongoing series. ShowLetter.0

Welcoming Our New Consultants

At the end of last semester, the Graduate Writing Studio at Fresno State saw six consultants finish their culminating requirements and graduate from their respective programs. We know that our graduate student consultants will invariably graduate at some point in time, and of course we are always proud and elated for these wonderful people. The only downside to this is that we lost all these terrific consultants all at once. It was quite the massfspowering exodus of talent and writing consultation skill. The permanent staff members were then charged with the task of bringing on new recruits to fill the massive shoes of these talented folks by the end of the summer before students returned en masse for the fall semester. We have done just that. We have a group of seven new, but no less talented people who have begun taking appointments after the rigorous, requisite, training courses. I thought it would be interesting to have the recruits speak about their initial experiences at the GWS. The long-term goal here is to check in with them via the blog from time to time to see how their perceptions of what they do and what they have learned changes over their tenure as a writing consultant. Without any further adieu, I would like to introduce:

Katy Hogue

As a new writing consultant, I started out really unsure about my role in the collaborative writing process. I’ve learned that the value of a writing consultation doesn’t always have concrete words-and-paper results. This job is about being a good listener and making the client feel comfortable talking about writing. Brainstorming is sometimes just as important as technical suggestions. I feel like I help my clients by being completely ignorant of their subject. It forces them to teach me and my questions help them to flesh out ideas they hadn’t fully articulated yet or they had assumed would be understood. It is validating to have someone focus their sole attention on you and try to understand you. This is the service I provide.

Scott Trippel

Since joining the Graduate Writing Studio I have been reacquainting myself with graduate level writing. This can be a bit overwhelming. Each department has its own jargon and some programs are moving at full speed. The pace of graduate school has made the quiet of the Graduate Writing Studio a welcome retreat. Learning to focus my topic, ask relevant questions, and take writing assignments one step at a time has been as important for me as the students that I consult. As I meet with students and discuss their worries, I find that graduate school is more a state of mind than anything else. The key is to think through problems clearly. Many students think they need to do this in a vacuum. I know, I’ve been there. But if I’ve learned anything from my first two weeks as a writing consultant, it is this: You do not learn alone. Graduate students work in an academic community to build new knowledge. So slow down, take a breath, and know that you are not alone.

Toini Hiipakka

As a new consultant at the Graduate Writing Studio, I have been exposed to a diverse and eclectic amount of research from Fresno State graduate students; research which is both scholarly and enriching. As a third-year MA student in the history program, I realize I have been somewhat insulated within my own department. I might have developed a somewhat “historic-centric” (yes, I made that word up) sense regarding research and writing. Our Fresno State graduate students have greatly broadened my perspective in a small amount of time. Graduate students, especially those I have been working closely with in the Health and Human Services field, are deeply invested in their community. Issues which are currently being researched include access to healthcare, equal rights, moral/ethical issues, and gender/cultural barriers many face within our Central Valley (just to name a few). No doubt, research and writing can be a tedious and sometimes—down right anxious process, yet our students are professional, driven, and want to create meaningful work. Not only are they dedicated, but eager to change people’s lives with their research.

Although the UC’s have been the de jure experts when it comes to research—my short time at the GWS has shown me how special our CSU is. The work of our CSU graduate students makes me wonder if we are quite possibly the de facto expert researchers as we undertake some timely, relevant and commendable projects.

Robin Chang

I’ve learned from my time at the Graduate Writing Studio thus far that writing and learning about writing is never a completed process. This might seem obvious, but I was initially surprised by the kinds of questions that I got during consultations. The questions ranged from “How do I format my citations in APA format?” to “Can you read through my paper to discuss ideas?” At the graduate level, people have different relationships with writing—some regard it like they would an old friend, and others seem harassed by its vagaries. The Graduate Writing Studio is just one mediating force in that relationship. I think that consistent and frequent meetings with students have given both me, as the consultant, and the writer a chance to learn and grow from our meetings. I look forward to seeing what the rest of this year will bring.

Eryn Baldrica-Guy

Having just started working at the Graduate Writing Studio last month, I was initially apprehensive about virtual Zoom appointments. I had never given feedback on a piece of writing to someone who wasn’t in the same room. For my first Zoom appointment, I met with a former GWS consultant who is currently studying abroad in England. While the Zoom interface does take some getting used to, I was able to read the paper and we talked about possible steps for revision without the Internet connection getting interrupted. For these types of appointments, the student, for the most part, controls the screen we both see, so the consultant has to ask the student to scroll up or down if he or she wants to reread a section of the text. We took turns reading paragraphs aloud and listening for any superfluous language or underdeveloped passages. We covered a lot of a five-page document in fifty minutes, and I’m looking forward to experimenting with virtual appointments again.


Look for more posts from our new graduate student consultants as the semester progresses. Debbie will be back to give us more APA tips and our veterans will be contributing soon as well. I will continue to impart whatever insights I can to the academic world at large with the hope that those that read our posts will want to join in and comment as well.nemo-dory1

Have a great semester and just keep writing!

William Anderson

GWS Staff Member